Fri 29th March - Sat 30th March, 8.00pm
I'll Fix It Later
By Daniel Hallissey
When best friends Charlie and Graham capture an intruder in their home they’re left with a simple decision, let him go, or cheese-grate his face off. ‘We Caught A Burglar’ is a three-hander dark comedy that explores the worlds we create to feel safe and how we deal with being forced to leave them.
Prizes, Competitions, Opportunities & Awards
BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Competition
Three winners of the BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Initiative get: A fantastic Industry showcase with professional actors and directors, industry introductions, access to bespoke masterclasses and a tailored career planning and profile building session to provide support in navigating the industry.
Comedy Women In Print
Its aim is to recognise, celebrate and encourage witty women authors. They've created a platform for both aspiring and established witty writers. The competition not only offers a publishing deal with Harper fiction to a new witty writer, but it also gives mega publicity and respect to the best funny fiction around.
Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize
The aim is both to celebrate the best of new short fiction and to give winners the most visibility possible for their writing. Offering not only a cash prize and writing retreats but to ensure that all our shortlisters have the opportunity to be published in multiple print and online journals, have their work put in front of literary agents, and perform in multiple countries.
Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition
A worldwide publishing contract with Chicken House with a £10,000 advance (subject to contract) for a complete fiction manuscript of any genre for children aged 7 up to YA. The winning entry will be the novel that, in the opinion of the judges, demonstrates the greatest entertainment value, quality, originality and suitability for children.
New Voices Award
Supports writers to develop an idea they've yet to commit to paper, or those in the very early stages of their work in progress. The Award provides mentorship and editorial guidance for aspiring authors and encourages entries from all writers, including those from underrepresented backgrounds with a new story to tell.
Australian/Vogel’s Award for Young Writers
The Australian/Vogel’s Award for Young Writers is the most prestigious Australian award for an unpublished manuscript by a writer under the age of thirty-five. The winning manuscript will receive prize money and will be published by Allen & Unwin with an advance against royalties.